Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BorderClash 11

Each year the top finishers from WA and OR state meets are invited to participate in the annual BorderClash event on the Nike campus in Beaverton, OR. And each year Redmond XC is represented. For 2009, Devin McMahon and Mack Young qualified via their 3rd and 6th place (respective) State Meet places.

BorderClash is a dual between the best Oregon and Washington runners, a meet where your foes become your teammates as you race to defend state bragging rights. Nike always steps up as a great host to this fun event, providing entertainment, a pasta feed and motivation through meeting some of their elite sponsored athletes.

The dual begins with a cannonball start, fireworks and separate starting lines where runners converge onto the course. It is as exciting as it sounds! View the Live Feed Replay here.

On a drenched course with incessant rain, Mack was able to finalize his season with a strong 5th place finish in 14:26 for the 4400 m course. For the girls race, the sun decided to make a debut, yet conditions were still less than ideal. Devin topped off her incredible season, also with a 5th place finish in 16:52.

Congratulations to both for outstanding places in a highly competitive race and congratulations to Washington runners who swept the top 10 spots in the boys race and 15 of the top 16 places in the girls race. Washington retains distance running bragging rights until BorderClash 12.