Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Training Tips - Core Strength, Vitamin D and Iron

from Coach Villeneuve...

Tomorrow is the first day of summer and Wednesday is the last day of school. Cross Country begins 9 weeks from today. I challenge you to make a commitment to train consistently over the next nine weeks to give yourself and your team the opportunity for a great season. I am enclosing a document that talks about making the jump in performance. This pertains more to veteran runners but it does apply to all. Please read and try to incorporate into your summer plans. One part of summer condition is strengthening your core and hips, two areas that are vital to running success. I am enclosing another article regarding this topic and it has a link to videos to show you how to do the exercises. It takes discipline, dedication, and determination to do these exercises AND to become a good runner.

Many high school runners are iron deficient or Vitamin D deficient. Either or both will cause a huge decrease in performance. I would encourage you to get tested now if you have not been recently, as it takes time to replenish the stores. I have enclosed a couple of documents on these topics.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Happy Trails!

Coach Villeneuve

Attachments posted in the sidebar including:

Summer Training to make the Jump
Strength for High School Runners
Iron Depletion
Iron Tips
Vitamin D