Friday, September 13, 2013

Kirkland Triathalon Service Fundraiser

Redmond High School XC parents, coaches and athletes will be volunteering at the Tri-Freaks Kirkland Triathalon on Sunday, September 15th.  For volunteer schedule and logistics
·         5:30 a.m. - Meet at RHS to carpool to Juanita Beach Park – see directions here.   We will need all adult volunteers and some students to drive to ensure we have rides for everyone.  RHS Coaches may  go direct to Juanita Park.
·         6:00 - Gather at RHS Hospitality Tent at Juanita Beach Park to get assignments and T-shirts, parking across street. 
·         6:15 - Depart in carpools to stations
·         6:30 - In place at Stations
·         7:00 - Race Begins, volunteers can return to park (in RHS carpools) after last bicyclist passes.
·         10:00 - Gather at RHS Hospitality Tent at Juanita Beach Park for Clean-up of cones and trash in in Park Area
·         10:30 - Carpools depart for RHS

All Volunteers please check-in/check-out at the RHS Hospitality Tent at Juanita Beach Park.

We will be manning 42 stations along the bicycle course!  Here is a link to the event information -

Please contact Jon Foster (425-503-1202/ if you have any questions or concerns.  

Thank You Volunteers!