The 2017 Season is here:
We signed up the in-coming freshmen at the Mustang Extravaganza and at Middle School Track. We had an afterschool meeting at the high school. Our new parent night was on Tuesday. Everyone should have a summer packet with the training schedule, all athletes should be training by June 12th. If you want to add an email to my distribution list, let me know. Please email me at any time if you have questions or comments. Here are important future dates:
July 6th First day of the Monday,
Thursday, and Saturday runs for the rest of the summer. We meet in Hartman Park
at the starting line of our course at 6:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays, and at
the Novelty Hill parking lot for the Watershed at 9 am on Saturdays. These are voluntary practices, but if you are
available you should come and run with your team. We will be running quality
workouts (tempo, hill, or long) and those are easier with your friends.
Aug 6-9 Camp Casey
Varsity Summer Captain’s Retreat
Aug. 14-18 Get all forms from school and get
Aug. 21st Season Begins! Practice time is 2:45 p.m. Meet in the back gym.
Aug. 26th Time Trial/Alumni Run/Community Race
6th Preview Meet @ Lake