Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Booster Club Meeting - April 26th

Greetings parents of current and future Redmond Cross Country runners - 

We hope to see you all on Tuesday April 26th at 7 pm- 8pm at Redmond High School in the Career Counseling Center for our spring meeting.  

Come learn about ways to be involved to support your student and the team.  Do you want to learn more about how to help with fund raising events which help reduce the burden of the sports participation fee?  Would you like to get the real scoop on the captain organized summer camp out (because perhaps your kid isn't giving you full details - or even any details)?  Perhaps your summer would not be fulfilling without helping to organize the Hartman run!  We also want feedback on possible new options - such as a summer BBQ after one of the runs for parents and students and perhaps ordering some Redmond XC paraphernalia (like baseball caps...).  

-Sara Mackenzie (mom to Lila Rice, sophomore) 

Please email Kate Dunn (katedunn1963@gmail.com) if you would like to be added to the Booster Club distribution list.  There is no need to send an email if you were on the team last year and have been receiving communications from Coach Villeneuve.