Friday, May 4, 2012

BROOKS Inspiring Coaches Award

TO: Athletes, Alumni, Parents and Friends of Redmond High School Cross Country and Track Programs

You all know how much Coach Villeneuve has given to the Redmond Cross Country and Track Programs; now it is our turn to give back, and HONOR Coach Villeneuve for the TIME, ENCOURAGEMENT, DEDICATION, and MOTIVATION that he has given to us, by completing a brief on-line nomination form for the BROOKS Inspiring Coaches Award, by May 25th (before Memorial Day Weekend). 

This year, BROOKS will be recognizing twenty-five Coaches with awards of $5K and one Coach will be selected to receive an award of $10K. Nominations will be accepted through May 29th, after which a list of candidates will be profiled for on-line voting through June 30th
BROOKS accepts, and encourages multiple, direct nominations for a Coach from athletes, parents, and peers.  You all have those favorite stories to tell; that one moment when you learned something about yourself as a person, student, athlete, or parent through Coach Villeneuve.  Please take a moment to share that story, picture, or YouTube video, and help us recognize Coach Villeneuve for what he has shared with us.  

The on-line form can be found at:

You will need to enter the following information (for your convenience, I have provided information for the common questions relating to Coach Villeneuve),

Your Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone #:
Your Email:
Coach’s Name: Denis Villeneuve
Coach’s High School: Redmond
Sports Coached: Both Track and Cross Country
# Athletes: 51-100
Years Coaching: 27
RHS Address: 17272 NE 104th St, Redmond, WA  98052
School Phone: 425-936-1800
Coach’s Phone: 425-681-4296
Coach’s Email:

Why do you think this Coach is inspiring?
Describe a specific moment when this Coach inspired you, or someone you know.
Paste a link to a YouTube Video
Upload a Photo

Having reviewed the Profiles of prior year recipients, and spoken with the people at BROOKS, it seems that the more stories we can provide the better.  A few phrases, short paragraph, picture, or video that tells the story is more important than a well written essay.

Please email: to let us know when you have submitted a nomination, and optionally, send us a copy what was submitted to share in a special tribute for him.  Also, please encourage your peers to participate in the nomination process on-lineOur goal is to have over 20 nominations completed before Memorial Day weekend.

Thank you for taking the time to help us recognize Coach Villeneuve’s contributions to the Program and each of us individually.

Kate Dunn
Redmond Cross Country Parent