Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Savor Summer!

It's almost time for Redmond High Mustangs' XC season to begin!  Some items to note:
  •  Practice begins August 20th!  Practice is 2:30 to 4:45 every day - meet in the back gym of the high school - come with a clearance card and dressed to run!
  • Hartman Alumni/Community Run!  Saturday, August 25 at 10am.  Volunteers are needed!  Please contact Mike and Gayle Keenan at gaylekeenan@hotmail.com.  Check out the flyer here.
  • Kingco Preview!  September 6th is our first race of the season - a preview of all teams at Lincoln Park.
  • Tahoma Relays!  September 8th is our first Saturday event - complete with water.  Picnic lunches and families attending encouraged.
  • Pasta Dinner!  September 5th at Harry Engels home.
Whew!  Check out the calendar for the complete XC schedule.
Enjoy the great summer weather - see  you all soon!