Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Training Tips - Nutrition

from Coach Villeneuve...

Cross Country season begins 8 weeks from Monday. One of the things to work on this summer is good nutrition. The food that you eat and the liquid that you drink is the fuel that powers your running. Please look through the attachment on nutrition and try to get into  good nutrition/hydration habits this summer.

Additionally, you will want to work on your running form, cadence, and breathing techniques every day that you run. Please read the attachments and practice these techniques throughout the summer. The most important item is to run with a proper cadence of at least 180 steps per minute.

Please continue to follow the training plan and keep working on arm, core, and hip strength. We are anticipating a very exciting 2011 XC Season!

Happy Trails!

Coach Villeneuve

Attachments posted in the sidebar:
The Keys to Effective Running
Prepare to Be a Faster Runner