Saturday, May 12, 2012

Track and Field Awards Banquet - May 31

For all 2012 Track and Field Participants, families and their fans - Let's celebrate our season with highlights, award letters and each other's company.

  • Thursday, May 31st, 6:00-9:00 p.m. 
  • RHS Cafeteria
  • Dressy Casual (men in slacks and a shirt with buttons, ladies in slacks or skirt and a modest top) 
(Please bring enough to serve 8-10 people.  Whatever you bring, be sure to bring it ready to serve and stay delicious—that means you need to bring serving utensils and find a way to keep it chilled if necessary.)

If your last name begins with…     
Bring :
            A-C            Bread AND Beverage (no soda please)
            D-K            Dessert
            L-N            Salad or Veggie Dish
            O-Z            Main Dish

P.S.  Don’t forget to get your uniform CLEANED and turned in when you are done competing!  Boys to Coach Peabody (Room C207), Girls to Coach Villeneuve (Room E223).