Monday, August 19, 2013

XC begins August 26 - Get Cleared Now

XC is one week away from official practice - on Monday, August 26 all athletes must have processed  clearance authorizations to begin practice. Here is the link to the RHS Fall Sports Clearance information.  In addition, you will need the specific XC forms.  (Note - if you pay fees online though LWSD, the link to these forms is broken - use the links here or on the RHS website to access needed forms for clearance.)

8/19 - RHS open - get cleared to participate in XC
8/24 - 9am - long run at East Lake Sammamish Trail - by Whole Foods parking lot
8/26 - M-F ongoing practice schedule - 2:45 to 5:00 - meet in back gym
8/31 - 5k for community/RHS - time trial for athletes
9/2 - Labor Day - Practice at 2:45, Hartman Park
9/7 - Tahoma Relays
9/12 - Kingco Preview - athletes are required to have 10 practices to participate.